Classic alpine faces are books, history books that tell of the development of climbing from the beginnings to the present. But you need to be prepared to read and to understand the language in which the stories are written. The north face of the Grosser Bockmattliturm stands high above the waters of the Wägitalersee in the Canton of Glarus in Switzerland and tells of Supertramp and many other stories…


Region: Glarus Alps | Switzerland
First ascent: 1980: Martin Scheel, Gregor Benisowitsch
Repeat: June 2016: David Lama, Katherine Choong
Rock type: Slabby limestone, sometimes quite smooth, sparingly rebolted (renaturalized after intensive rebolting).
Type of climbing: Primarily face and crack climbing, long runouts, sometimes psychologically demanding without really being  dangerous. It is possible to free climb the pendulum traverse (7b+).
Grade: 3 pitches over the Alte Nordwand (Old North Face), then 6a+, 6c+, 6a, 6b, 6a, 5c+, 6c+, A1 (pendulum traverse, free 7b+), 6a, 6b, 6a+, 6b, 5a
Face height: 400 m


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